So updates on here have been rather scarce lately!
I have just moved out and settled into a new house on the sea which is really amazing and I am setting up new things in my business, I'm currently designing a very comprehensive and exciting hypnotherapy treatment package which I will update you on at the end of this month.
I am still planning to write a book though as life twists and turns and things change it may not happen this year as I am opening my doors for different things.
I am back to having face to face sessions at the clinic again which has honestly been incredible, I have missed the in person sessions so much as I just find it so much more of an enriching experience.
I have decided not to do my EFT + Matrix Reimprinting course this year as Covid-19 hit my business pretty hard, so I'm going to spend my time rebuilding.
So with all of life's peaks and troughs those are my updates, I really hope you are all doing well and are looking forward as much as I am to what is soon to come!